The NEOM project, a planned city in Saudi Arabia, is a key component of the country’s Vision 2030 initiative, which aims to diversify the economy and promote sustainability on social, economic, and environmental levels incorporate a range of innovative technologies, including green hydrogen plants, solar-powered desalination plants, and urban air mobility systems which represent a ‘new future’ for people across the globe.
The Saudi Arabian electricity generation, transmission, distribution and smart-grid power sectors continue on a growth path in order to keep up with growing electricity demand and NEOM represents a significant opportunity for Saudi Arabia to reposition itself as a driving force in the global transition to renewable energy and sustainable urbanization.
- NEOM Authority requires power supply for NEOM South Project which will be implemented and executed by the National Grid Saudi Arabia.
- The PROJECT consists of constructing 2 Nos. of new 132/33 kV NICS PSSA & PSSB Substations and STATRON will support with our owned State of art technology of Uninterruptible Power Supply with battery backup for the mission critical application.
STATRON is excited about this opportunities which drives the Kingdom’s mission and vision for higher power efficiency.